To get to know together food (e.g. Alpine Butter) at the alpine hut with the whole charme of the landscape. During the activities experience customs and sustainability. Decelerate everyday life and, together with the animals, watch the country life carefully and then take the power of nature home with you!
Miteinander Lebensmittel (zB. Almbutter) auf der Hütte, mit dem ganzen Charme der Umgebung, kennen lernen. Während der Aktivitäten Brauchtum und Nachhaltigkeit miterleben, den Alltag entschleunigen und gemeinsam mit den Tieren das Landleben achtsam betrachten und anschließend die Kraft der Natur mit nach Hause nehmen!
Kaltenbachalm, Sölkpassstraße, lower Kaltenbachlake with the young cattle;
Mountain peaks: Schafdach, Krautwasch, Haseneckscharte, Hochstubofen, Hornfeldspitze, Nageleck
The Kaltenbachalm is a private alpine hut at the Sölkpass which we (Familie Fuchs Manuela und Andreas) farm and manage during summer by early June to late September. Our Chalet, Kaltenbachalm, is about 30km away from the farm, Berndlhof. Kaltenbachalm is 1600m above sea level is located in the Soelkpas submontane. During the summer it is easily accessible by car.
Agricultural Management & Alpine specialties
For three months during the summer (mid-June to mid-September), all our animals reside at the chalet, providing resources for self-made products which allow us to cater for guests at the Kaltenbachalm.
There are grazing about 40 cattles (therefrom up to 8 milking cows). The area for the cattle reach up to the Sölkpass and up to the second lake (2. Kaltenbachsee).
Part of our business is holding our cattle and horses at the chalet, refining milk produced by our cows into buttermilk, butter and five different types of cheese (Ennstaler & Murtaler Styria cheese, Cream cheese, Buttermilkquark, Kaltenbach - Alm - cheese) and offering these products to our guests. In other words, you can either taste these products on top of self-made farm-bread as a snack at the chalet or you get some and take it home. On weekends, we also offer pastry as well as Ennstaler Steirerkrapfen and Bauernkrapfen.
Hiking trips
Kaltenbachalm is the starting point for various hiking paths suitable for the entire family. Other starting points include Soelkpass, Roman path (Ica age nature trail), Kaltenbach lakes, Ertrachboden (7 hectare big flat area at approximately 2100m above sea level) where you can climb to peaks such as Hornfeldspitze (2277m), Nageleck (2155m), Schafspitz (2310m) and Deneck 2433m).